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How To Build Muscle through Personal Training

Let’s be honest, most people think that high reps and heavy lifting is the key in terms of how to build muscle. It’s true, muscle growth is largely dependent on working hard at the gym but for just as many people, their approach to this workout is often flawed or...

6 Tips if You’re Too Tired to Workout

    1. Change into gym clothes at work Although it may sound silly, it actually works. Before you leave work, change into your gym clothes. This will help you mind and body realize that it is time to hit the gym! This will prevent you from making excuses. ...

Preworkouts : The Breakdown

Purpose Of Preworkouts Preworkouts are used before workouts (hence “pre” workouts) and are intended to help with: Endurance: Help you last longer with strength exercises. Strength: Help you lift heavier weights. Stamina: Help you last longer during cardiovascular...

Lose Weight: Fatburners

Its almost cutting season! That means it is time to shred down, which means time to take some fatburners to lose weight.  But, with soo many on the market, which one should you take? Here is our breakdown for what to look for when deciding on the best fat burner for...

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